Gabrieli Consort & Players

Gabrieli Consort & Players    
uploaded by guest
uploaded by guest
1980s -
0000년 / 영국


[Disc 1]
1. Praetorius : Christmas Mass - Processional `Christum Wir Sollen Loben Schon` - Arr. By Michael Praetorius / Har. Lucas Osiander - Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Praetorius : Puer Natus In Bethlehem - Ein Kind Geborn Zu Bethlehem - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Congregational Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Constanze Backes, Gabrieli Consort 외 / 3. Praetorius : Kyrie (Missa : Gantz Teudsch) - Polyhymnia Caduceatrix (1619) - - Angus Smith, Anton Pauw, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players 외 / 4. Praetorius : Gloria (Missa : Gantz Teudsch) - Polyhymnia Caduceatrix (1619) - - Robert, Sarah Pendlebury, Tessa Bonner / 5. Praetorius : Collect : `Der Herr Sei Mit Euch` - Source (Responses) : Musae Sioniae VIII (1610) - - Anton Pauw, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Praetorius : Epistle : `So Schreibt Der Heilig Propheten Jesajas` - Raimund Nolte / 7. Praetorius : Organ Prelude : Praeambulum `Vom Himmel Hoch` (Source : Luneburg, Stadtarchiv, Musikabt.,Mus.Ant.Pract.KN208.2) - Timothy Roberts / 8. Praetorius : Gradual hymn : `Vom Himmel Hoch Da Komm Ich Her` - Musae Sioniae V (1607) / Urania (1613) - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Congregational Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Don Greig, Gabrieli Consort 외 / 9. Praetorius : Gospel : `So Schreibt Der heilige Lukas` - Raimund Nolte / 10. Scheidt : Credo : `Wir Glauben All An Einen Gott` (1524) - Tabulatur-Buch Hundert Geistl. Lieder U. Psalmen - - Harmonization : Samuel Scheidt - Congregational Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Paul McCreesh, Raimund Nolte / 11. Praetorius : Organ Prelude : `Resonet In Laudibus` Source : Luneburg, Stadtarchiv, Musikabt., Mus.Ant.Pract.KN208.2 - Timothy Roberts / 12. Praetorius : Pulpit Hymn : `Quem Pastores Laudavere` Source : Puericinium (1621) - Anders Engberg-Pedersen, Asser Oppfeldt, Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Congregational Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral 외 / 13. Schein : Sonata : Padouana A 5 - Banchetto Musicale (Leipzig, 1617) - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 14. Praetorius : The Lord`s Prayer : `Vater Unser, Der Du Bist Im Himmel` Words Of Institution : `Unser Herr Jesus Christus` - Raimund Nolte / 15. Praetorius : Sanctus Motet : `Jesaja Dem Propheten Das Geschah` Source : Polyhymnia Caduceatrix (1619) - Angus Smith, Constanze Backes, Don Greig, Gabrieli Consort 외 / 16. Scheidt : Organ Prelude : `Wie Schon Leuchtet Der Morgenstern` - `Gorlitzer Tabulatur-Buch` (1650) - - Timothy Roberts / 17. Praetorius : Communion Motet : `Wie Schon Leuchtet Der Morgenstern` - Polyhymnia Caduceatrix (1619) - - Angus Smith, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Julian Podger 외 / 18. Praetorius : Communion Motet : `Uns Ist Ein Kindlein Heut Geborn` - Musae Sioniae VI (1609) - - Gabrieli Consort, Hannelore Devaere, Paul McCreesh, Sarah Pendlebury / 19. Praetorius : Post-Communion : `Der Herr Sei Mit Euch` - Musae Sioniae VIII (1610) - - Anton Pauw, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 20. Praetorius : Benediction : `Der Herr Segne Dich Und Behute Dich` - Missodia Sionia (1611) - - Anton Pauw, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 21. Praetorius : Final Hymn : `Puer Nobis Nascitur` - Musae Sioniae VI (1609) - - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Congregational Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players 외 / 22. Praetorius : Organ Voluntary : `Nun Lob Mein Seel` - Timothy Roberts / 23. Praetorius : Recessional : `In Dulci Jubilo` - Polyhymnia Caduceatrix (1619) - - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Gabrieli Consort, Mark le Brocq, Paul McCreesh
[Disc 1]
1. The Procession : Bells Intrada Tertia / Sexta / Septima, Trumpet Sonata No.333 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Toccata Secondo Tono - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Introit - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Arrival Of The Doge : Toccata 26 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Intonazione Primo Tono - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Kyrie A 5 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Christe A 8 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 8. Kyrie A 12 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 9. Gloria A 16 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Collect - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Epistle - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Gradual : Canzona (13) A 12 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 13. Gospel - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 14. Intonazione Settimo Ton - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 15. Offertory : Deus Qui Beatum Marcum A 10 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 16. Preface - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 17. Sanctus & Benedictus A 12 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 18. Elevation : Sarasinetta 2 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 19. Canzona (16) A 15 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 20. Pater Noster - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 21. Agnus Dei - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 22. Intonazione Quinto Tono Alla Quarta Bassa - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 23. Communion : O Sacrum Convivium A 5 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 24. Canzona (9) A 10 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 25. Post Communion Prayer - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 26. Sonata La Leona - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 27. Omnes Gentes A 16 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh
[Disc 1]
1. La piva, prelude For Organ - Kristian Olesen / 2. Deus In Adjutorium - Domine Ad Adjuvandum (Gregorian Chant) - Charles Pott, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Schutz : Pslam 2 `Warum Toben Die Heiden` Swv23 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Schein : Hymn: Christum Wir Sollen Loben Schon - Congregational Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Kristian Olesen / 5. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Die Geburt Unsres Herren Jesu Christi (Reconstructed By Timothy Roberts) - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Finn Evald, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Kristian Olesen 외 / 6. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Rezitativ: Es Begab Sich Aber Zu Derselbigen Zeit... - Charles Daniels, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 7. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Intermedium I: Furchtet Euch Nicht... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, James Johnstone, Paul McCreesh, Susan Hemington Jones / 8. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Rezitativ: Und Alsbald War Da Bei Dem Engel... Engeltintermedium II: - Charles Daniels, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 9. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Intermedium II: Ehre Sei Gott In Der Hohe... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, James Johnstone, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 10. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Rezitativ: Und Da Die Engel ... - Charles Daniels, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 11. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Intermedium III: Lasset Uns Nun Gehen Gen Bethlehem.. - Andrew Carwood, Gabrieli Consort & Players, James Johnstone, Paul McCreesh 외 / 12. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Rezitativ: Und Sie Kamen Eilend ... - Charles Daniels, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 13. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Intermedium IV: Wo Ist Der Neugeborne Konig... - Angus Smith, Charles Pott, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh 외 / 14. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Rezitativ: Da Das Der Konig Herodes Horete... - Charles Daniels, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 15. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Intermedium V: Zu Bethlehem Im Judischen Lande... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Richard Savage, Robert Rice 외 / 16. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Rezitativ: Duberief Herodes Die Weisen Heimlich... - Charles Daniels, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 17. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Intermedium VI: Ziehet Hin, Und Forschet Fleisig... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, James Johnstone, Neal Davies, Paul McCreesh 외 / 18. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Rezitativ: Als Sie Nun Den Konig Gehoret Halten... - Charles Daniels, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 19. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Intermedium VII: Stehe Auf, Joseph... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, James Johnstone, Paul McCreesh, Susan Hemington Jones / 20. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Rezitativ: Und Er Stund Auf Und Nahm Das Kindlein... - Charles Daniels, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 21. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Intermedium VIII: Stehe Auf Joseph... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, James Johnstone, Paul McCreesh, Susan Hemington Jones / 22. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Rezitativ: Und Er Stund Auf Und Nahm Das Kindlein... - Charles Daniels, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 23. Schutz : Historia Der Geburt Jesu Christi, Swv435 (1664) - Beschluss: Dank Sagen Wir Alle Gott... - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Finn Evald, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Kristian Olesen 외 / 24. Schutz : Magnificat (Swv 468) - Magnificat Anima Mea - Et Exsultavit - Quia Respexit - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Charles Pott, Finn Evald, Gabrieli Consort & Players 외 / 25. Schein : Hymn: Wir Christenleut Haben Itzund Freud - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Finn Evald, Kristian Olesen / 26. Schutz : Magnificat (Swv 468) - Quia Fecit Mihi Magna-Et Misericordia-Fecit Potentiam - Charles Pott, Finn Evald, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Kristian Olesen 외 / 27. Schein : Hymn: Lobt Gott, Ihr Christen All Zugleich - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Finn Evald, Kristian Olesen / 28. Schutz : Magnificat (Swv 468) - Esurientes Implevit Bonis - Suscepit Israel - Sicut .. - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Charles Pott, Finn Evald, Gabrieli Consort & Players 외 / 29. Praetorius : In Dulci Jubilo - Arr. Paul Mccreesh - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Finn Evald, Kristian Olesen, Stefan Olesen / 30. Schutz : Magnificat (Swv 468) - Gloria Patri, Et Filio - Sicut Erat In Principio - Boy's Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Charles Pott, Finn Evald, Gabrieli Consort & Players 외 / 31. Schutz : O Bone Jesu, Fili Mariae (Swv 471) - Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Rodrigo Del Pozo 외 / 32. Schein : Hymn: Gelobet Seist Du, Jesu Christ - Congregational Choir Of Roskilde Cathedral, Kristian Olesen / 33. Collect And Benedicamus Domino Vobiscum - Charles Pott, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 34. Scheidt : Postlude: Benedicamus Domino A 6 (Modus Pleno Organo Pedaliter) - Kristian Olesen
[Disc 1]
1. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 1. Sinfonia - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 2. Adagio - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 3. Chorus: Kommt, eilet und laufet - Gabrieli Players, Kimberly McCord, Neal Davies, Paul Agnew 외 / 4. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 4. Recitativo: O kalter Männer Sinn (Alto, Soprano, Tenor, Bass) - Gabrieli Players, Kimberly McCord, Neal Davies, Paul Agnew 외 / 5. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 5. Aria: Seele, deine Spezereien (Soprano) - Gabrieli Players, Kimberly McCord, Paul McCreesh / 6. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 6. Recitativo: Hier ist die Gruft (Tenor, Bass, Alto) - Gabrieli Players, Neal Davies, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh 외 / 7. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 7. Aria: Sanfte soll mein Todeskummer (Tenor) - Gabrieli Players, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh / 8. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 8. Recitativo: Indessen seufzen wir (Soprano, Alto) - Gabrieli Players, Kimberly McCord, Paul McCreesh, Robin Blaze / 9. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 9. Aria: Saget, saget mir geschwinde (Alto) - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Robin Blaze / 10. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 10. Recitativo: Wir sind erfreut (Bass) - Gabrieli Players, Neal Davies, Paul McCreesh / 11. J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 11. Chorus: Preis und Dank - Gabrieli Players, Kimberly McCord, Neal Davies, Paul Agnew 외 / 12. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Chorus: "Magnificat" - Gabrieli Players, Julia Gooding, Kimberly McCord, Neal Davies 외 / 13. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Aria: "Et exsultavit spiritus meus" - Gabrieli Players, Julia Gooding, Paul McCreesh / 14. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Aria: "Quia respexit humilitatem" (soprano I) - Gabrieli Players, Kimberly McCord, Paul McCreesh / 15. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Chorus: "Omnes generationes" - Gabrieli Players, Julia Gooding, Kimberly McCord, Neal Davies 외 / 16. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Aria: "Quia fecit mihi magna" (bass) - Gabrieli Players, Neal Davies, Paul McCreesh / 17. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Aria (Duet): "Et misericordia" (alto, tenor) - Gabrieli Players, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh, Robin Blaze / 18. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Chorus: "Fecit potentiam" - Gabrieli Players, Julia Gooding, Kimberly McCord, Neal Davies 외 / 19. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Aria: "Deposuit potentes" (tenor) - Gabrieli Players, Paul Agnew, Paul McCreesh / 20. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Aria: "Esurientes implevit bonis" (alto) - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Robin Blaze / 21. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Trio: Suscepit Israel (soprano I, II, alto) - Gabrieli Players, Julia Gooding, Kimberly McCord, Paul McCreesh 외 / 22. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Chorus: "Sicut locutus est" - Gabrieli Players, Julia Gooding, Kimberly McCord, Neal Davies 외 / 23. J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Chorus: "Gloria Patri" - Gabrieli Players, Julia Gooding, Kimberly McCord, Neal Davies
[Disc 1]
1. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Domine Ad Adiuvandum A 6 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Antiphona Ad Psalmum 109 : Missus Est Angelus Gabriel - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Psalmus I : Dixit Dominus A 6 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Nigra Sum A 1 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Antiphona Ad Psalmum 112 : Ave Maria Gratia Plena - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Psalmus II : Laudate, Pueri Dominum A 8 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Cima : Canzon Quarta : La Pace - James Johnstone / 8. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Antiphona Ad Psalmum 121 : Ne Timeas Maria - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 9. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Psalmus III : Laetatus Sum A 6 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Pasquini : Toccata - James Johnstone / 11. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Antiphona Ad Psalmum 126 : Dabit Ei Dominus - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Psalmus IV : Nisi Dominus A 10 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 13. Banchieri : L`organo Suonarino - Organ : Dialogo Secondo - James Johnstone / 14. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Antiphona Ad Psalmum 147 : Ecce Ancilla Domini - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 15. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Psalmus V : Lauda Jerusalem A 7 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 16. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Pulchra Es A 2 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh
[Disc 2]
1. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Antiphona Ad `Ave Maris Stella` : Ecce Virgo Concipiet - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Ave Maris Stella A 8 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Versicle After `Ave Maris Stella` : Ave Maria Gratia Plena - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Antiphona Ad Magnificat : Spiritus Sanctus In Te Descendet - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Magnificat Anima Mea - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Et Exultavit - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Quia Respexit - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 8. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Quia Fecit - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 9. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Et Misericordia - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Fecit Potentiam - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Deposuit Potentes - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Esurientes Implevit - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 13. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Suscepit Israel - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 14. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Sicut Locutus Est - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 15. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Gloria Patri Et Filio - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 16. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I A 7 - Sicut Erat In Principio - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 17. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Sonata Sopra Sancta Maria A 1 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 18. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Post Magnificat : Dominus Vobiscum - Deus Qui De Beatae Mariae Virginis - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 19. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Ante Duo Seraphim : Dominus Vobiscum - Alleluia - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 20. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Duo Seraphim A 3 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 21. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Fidelium Animae - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 22. Johnstone : Free Improvisation - James Johnstone / 23. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Audi Coelum A 8 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 24. Monteverdi : Vespro Della Beata Vergine - Conclusio : Divinum Auxilium - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh
[Disc 1]
1. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Kyrie - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Gloria - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Laudamus Te - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Gratias - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Neal Davies, Paul McCreesh 외 / 5. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Domine - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Sarah Connolly / 6. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Qui tollis - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Quonium - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Sarah Connolly 외 / 8. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Jesu Christe - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Neal Davies, Paul McCreesh 외 / 9. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Cum sancto spiritu - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Neal Davies, Paul McCreesh 외 / 10. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Credo - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Mozart : Mass In C Minor, K.427 `Grosse Messe` - Edited Maunder / Credo - Et Incarnatus Est - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Sanctus - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 13. Mozart: Mass in C Minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Benedictus - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Neal Davies, Paul McCreesh 외 / 14. Haydn : Scena Di Berenice 'Berenice, Che Fai?' (Hob Xxiva:10) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Sarah Connolly / 15. Beethoven : Ah Perfido!, Op.65 - Camilla Tilling, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh
[Disc 1]
1. Gluck: Paride ed Elena - Overture - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - Non sdegnare - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Gillian Webster, Paul McCreesh / 3. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - "O del mio dolce ardor" - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh / 4. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - Ballo - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - Dell'aurea sua stella - Ballo - Gabrieli Players, Gillian Webster, Paul McCreesh / 6. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - "Spiagge amate" - Daniel Auchincloss, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh / 7. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 2 - Stranier, la mia Regina - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh / 8. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 2 - Ma, chi sei - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh / 9. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Felice te, che possessor sarai - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Nell'idea - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Ballo A - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Ballo B - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 13. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Ballo C. Maestoso - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 14. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Ballo D. Amabile moderato - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 15. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Ballo E. Allegro - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 16. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 2 / Scene 1 - Si presenti, mi vegga - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 17. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 2 / Scene 2 - Regina! O Dei - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh 외 / 18. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 2 / Scene 2 - Forse più d'una belta - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh 외 / 19. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 2 / Scene 3 - Tutto qui mi sorprende - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh / 20. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 2 / Scene 3 - "Le belle immagini" - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh / 21. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Introduzione. Maestoso - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 22. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Prence, la tua presenza - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 23. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Dalla reggia rilucente - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 24. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Negli strali, nell'arco possente - Daniel Auchincloss, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 25. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Aria per i Atleti - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 26. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Non più! L'eroe trojano - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 27. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Coro d'Atleti - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 28. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Per te, signor - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh 외 / 29. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Quegli occhi belli - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh 외 / 30. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Misero! Ahimè! - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh 외 / 31. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Fingere più non so - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton
[Disc 2]
1. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 3 - Maestoso - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Gluck : Paride Ed Elena Act.III - Chaconne - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 4 / Scene 1 - Temerario! E non basta - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 4. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 4 / Scene 2 - Vengo, o Regina! - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh 외 / 5. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 4 / Scene 2 - Ah, lo veggo - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh 외 / 6. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 4 / Scene 2 - Non lontana esser già parmi - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 7. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 4 / Scene 3 - Sì, spietata. s'accende - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 8. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 4 / Scene 3 - "Di te scordarmi" - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh / 9. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 4 / Scene 4 - Lo temei: non mi sento - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 10. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 4 / Scene 4 - Lo potrò! - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 11. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 1 - Elena a me s'asconde! - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 12. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 1 - Donzelle semplici - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 13. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 1 - Consolati, o Regina! - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 14. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 2 - Opportuno giungesti - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh 외 / 15. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 3 - T'inganni, il tuo destino - Gabrieli Players, Gillian Webster, Paul McCreesh / 16. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 3 - Va coll'amata in seno - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Gillian Webster, Paul McCreesh / 17. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 4 - Che udii? - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 18. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 4 - Sempre a te sarò fedele! - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh 외 / 19. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 5 - Andante - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 20. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 5 - Allegro - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 21. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 5 - Altri mai da ignota sponda - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 22. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 5 - Vieni al mar! - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 23. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 5 - Presto fugge la beltà - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 24. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 5 - Sempre a te sarò fedele! - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 25. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Scene 5 - Vieni al mar! - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 26. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Appendices - Andante - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 27. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Appendices - Allegro - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 28. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Appendices - Vieni al mar! - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 29. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Appendices - Altri mai da ignota sponda! - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 30. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Appendices - Vieni al mar - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 31. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Appendices - Presto fugge la belta! - Carolyn Sampson, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 32. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Appendices - Sempre a te sarò fedele! - Gabrieli Players, Magdalena Kozena, Paul McCreesh, Susan Gritton / 33. Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 5 / Appendices - Vieni al mar! - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh
[Disc 1]
1. First Vespers of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (as it might have been celebrated in St. Mark`s, Venice in 1643) Sacristy bell - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. First Vespers of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (as it might have been celebrated in St. Mark`s, Venice in 1643) - Arr. Timothy Roberts Organ: Intonazione - Timothy Roberts / 3. First Vespers of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (as it might have been celebrated in St. Mark`s, Venice in 1643) - Arr. Timothy Roberts Versicle & Response: Deus in adiutorium / Domine ad - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 4. First Vespers of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin (as it might have been celebrated in St. Mark`s, Venice in 1643) - Arr. Timothy Roberts Antiphon: Angelus Domini - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 5. Messa e salmi (1640) Psalm 109: `Dixit Dominus` - Susan Hemington Jones, David Hurley, Robert `Bob The Builder` Horn, &rew Tusa, Peter Harvey, Tes / 6. Motetti a voce sola (1621) O intemerata - Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 7. Antiphon: Beata es Maria - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 8. Selva morale e spirituale Psalm 112: `Laudate pueri` - Susan Hemington Jones, Tessa Bonner, Charles Daniels, Angus Smith, Jonathan Best, Gabrieli Players, / 9. L`organo suonarino Organ: Suonata prima - Timothy Roberts / 10. L`organo suonarino Antiphon: Beatam me dicent - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 11. Messa ... e salmi Psalm 121: `Laetatus sum` - Susan Hemington Jones, Tessa Bonner, Charles Daniels, Andrew Tusa, Peter Harvey, Jonathan Best, Gabr / 12. Concerti ecclesiastici (1621) Motet: `O Maria, quae rapis corda hominum` - David Hurley, Timothy Wilson, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 13. Concerti ecclesiastici (1621) Antiphon: Haec est quae nescavit - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 14. Messa e salmi (1640) Psalm 126: `Nisi Dominus` - David Hurley, Timothy Wilson, Peter Harvey, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 15. L`organo suonarino Organ: Dialogo secondo - Timothy Roberts / 16. L`organo suonarino Antiphon: Ante thronum - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 17. Musiche sacre (1656) Psalm 147: `Lauda Jerusalem` - David Hurley, Charles Daniels, Angus Smith, Peter Harvey, Timothy Wilson, Robert `Bob The Builder` H / 18. Ghirlanda sacra, libro primo (1625) Motet: `O quam tu pulchra es` - Susan Hemington Jones, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort
[Disc 2]
1. Organ: Praeambulum - Timothy Roberts / 2. Chapter: Ecce virgo - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 3. Selva morale e spirituale Hymn: `Deus qui mundum crimine iacentem` - Charles Pott, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 4. Selva morale e spirituale Versicle & Response: Ave Maria / Dominus tecum - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 5. Selva morale e spirituale Antiphon: Spiritus Sanctus - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 6. Messa e salmi (1640) Magnificat - Susan Hemington Jones, Tessa Bonner, Charles Daniels, Robert `Bob The Builder` Horn, &rew Tusa, / 7. Sonate, symphonie, canzoni, opera ottava (1626) Sonata con tre violini in eco - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 8. Sonate, symphonie, canzoni, opera ottava (1626) Collect: Dominus vobiscum - Deus, qui de beatae Mariae - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 9. Sonate, symphonie, canzoni, opera ottava (1626) Dismissal: Dominus vobiscum - Benedicamus Domino - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 10. Selva morale e spirituale `Laudate Dominum` (Terzo) - Angus Smith, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Consort / 11. Annuale Organ: Intonazione (excerpt) - Timothy Roberts / 12. Messa e salmi ariosi (1643) Motet: `Salve regina` - Paul McCreesh, Gabrieli Players, Gabrieli Consort, Charles Daniels, Peter Harvey, Paula Chateauneuf,
[Disc 1]
1. Guerrero: Cançión (untitled) (à 6) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Rogier: Cançión "Ecce sacerdos magnus" (à 5) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Rogier: Cançión (untitled) (à 6) (Version 1) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Cabezón: Tiento del quinto tono (extract) - Timothy Roberts / 5. Gregorian Chant: In medio ecclesiae aperuit os eius - Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, William Lyons / 6. Morales: Missa "Mille regretz": Kyrie - Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, William Lyons / 7. Morales: Missa "Mille regretz": Gloria - Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh, William Lyons / 8. Gregorian Chant: Dominus vobiscum ... Deus, qui populo tuo - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Simon Grant, William Lyons / 9. Cabezón: Tiento del quarto tono (extract) - Timothy Roberts / 10. Cabezón: EPISTOLA: Lectio Epistolae beati Pauli Apostoli ad Timotheum - Charles Pott / 11. Guerrero: Cançión "Subiendo amor" - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Guerrero: Cançión "Todos aman" - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 13. Gregorian Chant: Dominus vobiscum ... Sequentia sancti Evangelii secundum Matthaeum - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Julian Clarkson, Paul McCreesh, William Lyons / 14. Morales : Missa `Mille Regretz`: Credo - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, William Lyons / 15. Cabezón: Tiento del octavo tono - Timothy Roberts / 16. Guerrero: Motectum: O Doctor optime - Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 17. Gregorian Chant: Per omnia saecula saeculorum... Vere dignum et iustum est... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Simon Grant, William Lyons / 18. Morales: Missa "Mille regretz": Sanctus - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, William Lyons / 19. Gombert: Mille regretz - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 20. Gregorian Chant: Per omnia saecula saeculorum... Pater noster... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Simon Grant, William Lyons / 21. Morales: Missa "Mille regretz": Agnus Dei - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, William Lyons / 22. Gregorian Chant: Fidelis servus et prudens - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, William Lyons / 23. Gregorian Chant: Dominus vobiscum... Ut nobis, Domine - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Simon Grant, William Lyons / 24. Gregorian Chant: Ite, missa est... Deo gratias - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, William Lyons / 25. Rogier: Cançión (untitled) (à 6) (Version 2) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 26. Santos: Del modo de tañer a corcheas - Timothy Roberts / 27. Morales: Emendemus in melius - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh
[Disc 1]
1. Purcell : Hail, Bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode For St. Cecilia's Day - Symphony - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Hail, bright Cecilia! - Florian Deuter, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Mark le Brocq, Paul McCreesh 외 / 3. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Hark, hark, each tree its silence breaks - Charles Pott, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Wilson / 4. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Tis Nature's voice - Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Soul of the world - Florian Deuter, Gabrieli Consort, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Thou tun'st this world below, the spheres above - Florian Deuter, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Hemington Jones / 7. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - With that sublime celestial lay - Christopher Purves, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Mark le Brocq, Paul McCreesh 외 / 8. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Wondrous machine! - Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey / 9. Purcell: Hail, Bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode For St. Cecilia's Day - The Airy Violin - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Julian Podger, Paul McCreesh / 10. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - In vain the am'rous flute and soft guitar - Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Players, Mark le Brocq, Paul McCreesh / 11. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - The fife, and all the harmony of war - Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Let these amongst themselves contest - Christopher Purves, Gabrieli Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey / 13. Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Hail, bright Cecilia, hail to thee! - Charles Daniels, Florian Deuter, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Julian Podger 외 / 14. Purcell : `My Beloved Spake` (Z.28) - Charles Daniels, Charles Pott, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Julian Podger 외 / 15. Purcell : O Sing Unto The Lord A New Song - Charles Daniels, Christopher Purves, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Julian Podger
[Disc 1]
1. Gabrieli : Intonazione Del Undecimo Tono, C 249 - Timothy Roberts / 2. Gabrieli : Audite Principes A 16, C 123 - Charles Humphries, Charlotte Forsberg, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh 외 / 3. Anonymous : First Mass For Christmas (Erste Messe An Weihnachten / Premiere Messe De Noel) - As Practise At St. Mark`s, Venice - Introit `Dominus Dixit` - Psalm `Quare Fremuerunt` - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Rore : Missa Praeter Rerum Seriem - Kyrie - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Rore : Missa Praeter Rerum Seriem - Gloria - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Anonymous : First Mass For Christmas (Erste Messe An Weihnachten / Premiere Messe De Noel) - As Practise At St. Mark`s, Venice - Collect `Dominus Vobiscum - Deus, Qui Hanc Sacratissimam Noctem - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Anonymous : First Mass For Christmas (Erste Messe An Weihnachten / Premiere Messe De Noel) - As Practise At St. Mark`s, Venice - Prophecy : Haec Dicit Dominus (Isaiah, Ix, 2,6,7) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 8. Anonymous : First Mass For Christmas (Erste Messe An Weihnachten / Premiere Messe De Noel) - As Practise At St. Mark`s, Venice - Epistle `Lectio Epistolae - Carissime : Apparuit - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 9. Gabrieli : Canzon Noni Toni A 12, C 183 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Anonymous : First Mass For Christmas (Erste Messe An Weihnachten / Premiere Messe De Noel) - As Practise At St. Mark`s, Venice - Gospel `Dominus Vobiscum - Sequentia Sancti Evangelii - In Illo Tempore - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Rore : Missa Praeter Rerum Seriem - Credo - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Gabrieli : Intonazione Del Settimo Tono, C 245 - Timothy Roberts / 13. Gabrieli : Salvator Noster A 15, C 80 - Charles Humphries, Charles Pott, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh 외 / 14. Anonymous : First Mass For Christmas (Erste Messe An Weihnachten / Premiere Messe De Noel) - As Practise At St. Mark`s, Venice - Preface `Per Omnia Saecula - Dominus Vobiscum - Sursum Cordapreface Pro - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 15. Rore : Missa Praeter Rerum Seriem - Sanctus - Benedictus - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 16. Robert : Toccata : Improvisation On A Theme Of Frescobaldi - With Sanctus Bells - Timothy Roberts / 17. Gabrieli : O Jesu Mi Dulcissime A 8, C 56 - Charles Pott, James Johnstone, Julian Podger, Paul McCreesh 외 / 18. Anonymous : First Mass For Christmas (Erste Messe An Weihnachten / Premiere Messe De Noel) - As Practise At St. Mark`s, Venice - Canon In Festis Duplicibus `Pater Noster - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 19. Rore : Missa Praeter Rerum Seriem - Agnus Dei - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 20. Gabrieli : Canzon Duodecimi Toni (No.3) A 10, C 179 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 21. Anonymous : First Mass For Christmas (Erste Messe An Weihnachten / Premiere Messe De Noel) - As Practise At St. Mark`s, Venice - Post Communion `Dominus Vobiscum - Oremus. Da Nobis, Quaesumus - Blessi - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 22. Gabrieli : Quem Vidistis Pastores A 12, C 77 - Charles Pott, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Julian Podger, Paul McCreesh
[Disc 1]
1. Gabrieli : First Vespers Of The Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin (As It Might Have Been Celebrated In St. Mark`s, Venice In 1643) - Sacristy Bell - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Gabrieli : First Vespers Of The Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin (As It Might Have Been Celebrated In St. Mark`s, Venice In 1643) - Arr. Timothy Roberts - Organ: Intonazione - Timothy Roberts / 3. Gabrieli : First Vespers Of The Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin (As It Might Have Been Celebrated In St. Mark`s, Venice In 1643) - Arr. Timothy Roberts - Versicle & Response: Deus In Adiutorium - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Gabrieli : First Vespers Of The Annunciation Of The Blessed Virgin (As It Might Have Been Celebrated In St. Mark`s, Venice In 1643) - Arr. Timothy Roberts - Antiphon: Angelus Domini - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Rigatti : Messa E Salmi (1640) - Psalm 109: `Dixit Dominus` - Andrew Tusa, Charles Daniels, David Hurley, Gabrieli Consort & Players 외 / 6. Grandi : Motetti A Voce Sola (1621) - O Intemerata - Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Grandi : Antiphon: Beata Es Maria - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 8. Monteverdi : Selva Morale E Spirituale - Psalm 112: `Laudate Pueri` - Angus Smith, Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Jonathan Best 외 / 9. Banchieri : L`organo Suonarino - Organ: Suonata Prima - Timothy Roberts / 10. Banchieri : L`organo Suonarino - Antiphon: Beatam Me Dicent - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Monteverdi : Messa ... E Salmi - Psalm 121: `Laetatus Sum` - Andrew Tusa, Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Jonathan Best 외 / 12. Finetti : Concerti Ecclesiastici (1621) - Motet: `O Maria, Quae Rapis Corda Hominum` - David Hurley, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Wilson / 13. Finetti : Concerti Ecclesiastici (1621) - Antiphon: Haec Est Quae Nescavit - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 14. Rigatti : Messa E Salmi (1640) - Psalm 126: `Nisi Dominus` - David Hurley, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey 외 / 15. Banchieri : L`organo Suonarino - Organ: Dialogo Secondo - Timothy Roberts / 16. Banchieri : L`organo Suonarino - Antiphon: Ante Thronum - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 17. Cavalli : Musiche Sacre (1656) - Psalm 147: `Lauda Jerusalem` - Adrian Peacock, Andrew Tusa, Angus Smith, Charles Daniels 외 / 18. Grandi : Ghirlanda Sacra, Libro Primo (1625) - Motet: `O Quam Tu Pulchra Es` - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Susan Hemington Jones
[Disc 2]
1. Anonymous : Organ: Praeambulum - Timothy Roberts / 2. Anonymous : Chapter: Ecce Virgo - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Monteverdi : Selva Morale E Spirituale - Hymn: `Deus Qui Mundum Crimine Iacentem` - Charles Pott, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Monteverdi : Selva Morale E Spirituale - Versicle & Response: Ave Maria / Dominus Tecum - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Monteverdi : Selva Morale E Spirituale - Antiphon: Spiritus Sanctus - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Rigatti : Messa E Salmi (1640) - Magnificat - Andrew Tusa, Charles Daniels, Charles Pott, Gabrieli Consort & Players 외 / 7. Marini : Sonate, Symphonie, Canzoni, Opera Ottava (1626) - Sonata Con Tre Violini In Eco - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 8. Marini : Sonate, Symphonie, Canzoni, Opera Ottava (1626) - Collect: Dominus Vobiscum - Deus, Qui De Beatae Mariae - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 9. Marini : Sonate, Symphonie, Canzoni, Opera Ottava (1626) - Dismissal: Dominus Vobiscum - Benedicamus Domino - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Monteverdi : Selva Morale E Spirituale - `Laudate Dominum` (Terzo) - Angus Smith, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Fasolo : Annuale - Organ: Intonazione (Excerpt) - Timothy Roberts / 12. Rigatti : Messa E Salmi Ariosi (1643) - Motet: `Salve Regina` - Celia Harper, Charles Daniels, Fred Jacobs, Gabrieli Consort & Players
[Disc 1]
1. Merula : Toccata Prima Del Quinto Tono (Excerpt) - Timothy Roberts / 2. Gabrieli : Maria Stabat Ad Momentum (Concerti, 1587) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 3. Gabrieli : Quem Quaeritis (Chant) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Bendinelli : Tocada ... Con Vitoria (6 Trumpets) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Bendinelli : Surrexit Christus (Chant) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Gabrieli : Surrexit Christus A 11 (C66) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Gabrieli : Introitus (Chant) - Resurrexi Et Adhuc Tecum Sum, Alleluia - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 8. Gabrieli : Intonazione Del Quinto Tono - Timothy Roberts / 9. Lassus : Missa `Congratulamini Mihi` : Kyrie A 6 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Lassus : Missa `Congratulamini Mihi` : Gloria A 6 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Lassus : Oratio (Chant) : Dominus Vobiscum / Oremus.Deus, Qui Hodiena Die - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Lassus : Epistola (Chant) : Lectio Epistolae Beati Pauli Apostoli Ad Cor. Fratres : Expurgate Vetus Fermentum - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 13. Gabrieli : Canzon Viii A 8 (C202) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 14. Gabrieli : Sequenta (Chant) - Victimae Paschali Laudes - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 15. Gabrieli : Evangelium (Chant) : Dominus Vobiscum... / Sequentia Sancti Evangelisti Secundum Marcum - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 16. Gabrieli : Hic Est Filius Dei A 18 (C132) (Motet) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 17. Gabrieli : Prefatio (Chant) : Per Omnia Saecula Saeculorum.. / Dignum Et Justum Est... / Vere Dignum Et Justum Est... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 18. Lassus : Missa `Congratulamini Mihi` : Sanctus A 6 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 19. Gabrieli : Sonata Octavi Toni 12 (C184) - Elevatio - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 20. Gabrieli : Pater Noster (Chant) : Per Omnia Saecula Saeculorum... / Oremus : Praeceptis Salutaribus Moniti, Et Devina Institutione.. - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 21. Lassus : Missa `Congratulamini Mihi` : Agnus Dei A 6 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 22. Gabrieli : Canzon XVII A 12 (C210) (Communio) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 23. Gabrieli : Postcommunio (Chant) : Dominus Vobiscum... / Oremus : Spiritus Nobis, Domine - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 24. Gabrieli : Ite Missa Est (Chant) : Ite Missa Est, Alleluia, Alleluia / Deo Gratias, Alleluia, Alleluia - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 25. Gabrieli : Benedictio (Chant) : Humilitate Vos Ad Benedictionem... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 26. Gabrieli : Illustrissimus Et Reverendissimus In Christo Pater.... - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 27. Gabrieli : Regina Coeli A 12 (C49) (Antiphona Mariae) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 28. Gabrieli : Oratio (Chant) : Gaude Et Laetare Virgo Maria, Alleluia... / Oremus, Deus, Qui Per Resurrectionem - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 29. Merula : Congedo : Toccata Settima Del Ottavo Tono (Excerpt) - Timothy Roberts / 30. Gabrieli : Sonata Con Voce : Dulcis Jesu A 20 (C128) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh
[Disc 1]
1. Anonymous : Church Bells / 2. Bach : Puer Natus In Bethlehem, Bwv603 - James Johnstone / 3. Anonymous : Puer Natus In Bethlehem (Benedictine Processional,14th C.) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Pachelbel : Fantasia In E Flat Major - James Johnstone / 5. Bach : Mass In F Major, BWV 233 - 1. Kyrie - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Bach : Mass In F Major, BWV 233 - 2. Gloria In Excelcis - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Bach : Mass In F Major, BWV 233 - 3. Domine Deus - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey / 8. Bach : Mass In F Major, BWV 233 - 4. Qui Tollis Peccata - Ann Monoyios, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 9. Bach : Mass In F Major, BWV 233 - 5. Quoniam Tu Solus Sanctus - Angus Davidson, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Bach : Mass In F Major, BWV 233 - 6. Cum Sancto Spiritu - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Anonymous : Salutation And Response: `Dominus Vobiscum - Deus Illuminator` - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Anonymous : Epistle: So Schreibt Der Prophet Jesaja - Matthias Fischer / 13. Bach : Christum Wir Sollen Loben Schon, Bwv611 - James O'Donnell / 14. Anonymous : Gradual Hymn: Was Furcht`st Du, Feind Herodes, Sehr - Gemeindechor Dresden, Gemeindechor Freiberg, James Johnstone, Paul McCreesh / 15. Anonymous : Gospel: Der Herr Sei Mit Euch - Da Jesus Geboren War - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 16. Pachelbel : Toccata In B Flat Major - James Johnstone / 17. Bach : Sie Werden Aus Saba Alle Kommen Cantata, BWV 65 - 1. Coro: Sie Werden Aus Saba Alle Kommen - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 18. Bach : Sie Werden Aus Saba Alle Kommen Cantata, BWV 65 - 2. Choral: Die Konige Aus Saba Kamen Dar - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 19. Bach : Sie Werden Aus Saba Alle Kommen Cantata, BWV 65 - 3. Recitativo: Was Dort Jesaias Vorhergesehn - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey / 20. Bach : Sie Werden Aus Saba Alle Kommen Cantata, BWV 65 - 4. Aria: Gold Und Ophir Ist Zu Schlecht - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey / 21. Bach : Sie Werden Aus Saba Alle Kommen Cantata, BWV 65 - 5. Recitativo: Verschmahe Nicht, Du, Meiner Seelen Licht - Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 22. Bach : Sie Werden Aus Saba Alle Kommen Cantata, BWV 65 - 6. Aria: Nimm Mich Dir Zu Eigen Hin - Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 23. Bach : Sie Werden Aus Saba Alle Kommen Cantata, BWV 65 - 7. Choral: Ei Nun, Mein Gott, So Fall Ich Dir Getrost - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 24. Anonymous : Credal Hymn: Wir Glauben All An Einen Gott - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Gemeindechor Dresden, Gemeindechor Freiberg, Paul McCreesh / 25. Anonymous : Salutation: Gnade Sei Mit Euch - Andreas Vogt / 26. Bach : Der Tag Ist So Freudenreich, BWV 719 - James O'Donnell / 27. Anonymous : Pulpit Hymn: Ein Kindelein So Loblich - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Gemeindechor Dresden, Gemeindechor Freiberg, Paul McCreesh / 28. Anonymous : Sermon: Lesung Aus Dem Heiligen Evangelisten Matthao - Andreas Vogt
[Disc 2]
1. Bach : Nun Danket Alle Gott, BWV 657 - James O'Donnell / 2. Anonymous : Hymn Of The Day: Was Soll Ich Liebstes Kind - Gemeindechor Dresden, Gemeindechor Freiberg, James Johnstone, Paul McCreesh / 3. Bach : Prelude In C, BWV 567 - James O'Donnell / 4. Anonymous : Preface For Epiphany - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Bach : Sanctus In D Major, BWV 238 - Angus Davidson, Ann Monoyios, Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Consort & Players 외 / 6. Anonymous : The Lord`s Prayer: Vater Unser / Unser Herr Jesus Christ - Julian Podger / 7. Bach : Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele, BWV 654 - James Johnstone / 8. Bach : Cantata, BWV 180 `Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele` - 1. Chorus: Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele - Angus Davidson, Ann Monoyios, Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Consort & Players 외 / 9. Bach : Cantata, BWV 180 `Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele` - 2. Aria: Ermuntre Dich, Dein Heiland Klopft - Charles Daniels, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Bach : Cantata, BWV 180 `Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele` - 3. Recitative And Chorale:Wie Teuer Sind Des Heiligen Mahles Gaben - Ann Monoyios, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Bach : Cantata, BWV 180 `Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele` - 4. Recitative: Mein Herz Fuhlt In Sich Furcht Und Freude - Angus Davidson, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Bach : Cantata, BWV 180 `Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele` - 5. Aria: Lebens Sonne, Licht Der Sinnen - Ann Monoyios, Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 13. Bach : Cantata, BWV 180 `Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele` - 6. Recitative: Herr, Lass An Mir Dein Treues Lieben - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Peter Harvey / 14. Bach : Cantata, BWV 180 `Schmucke Dich, O Liebe Seele` - 7. Chorale: Jesu, Wahres Brot Des Lebens - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 15. Bach : Nun Freut Euch, Liebe Christen G`mein, BWV 734 - James O'Donnell / 16. Anonymous : Hymn: Nun Freut Euch, Liebe Christen G`mein - Gemeindechor Dresden, Gemeindechor Freiberg, Paul McCreesh / 17. Bach : Christe, Du Lamm Gottes, Bwv619 - James O'Donnell / 18. Anonymous : Hymn: Christe, Du Lamm Gottes - Gemeindechor Dresden, Gemeindechor Freiberg, Paul McCreesh / 19. Bach : Response: Gott Sei Uns Gnadig BWV 323 - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Gemeindechor Dresden, Gemeindechor Freiberg, Paul McCreesh / 20. Bach : Vom Himmel Hoch, Da Komm Ich Her, BWV 738 - James Johnstone / 21. Anonymous : Vom Himmel Hoch, O Englein Kommt (Kelner Gesangbuch 1625) - Gemeindechor Dresden, Gemeindechor Freiberg, James Johnstone, Paul McCreesh / 22. Bach : Fantasia In G, BWV 572 - James O'Donnell
[Disc 1]
1. Des Pres : Motetti De La Corona - Praeter Rerum Seriem - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 2. Anonymous : Introitus - Puer Natus Est Nobis - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Frescobaldi : Messa Degli Apostoli - Toccata Avanti Il Ricercar - Timothy Roberts / 4. Palestrina : Missa `Hodie Christus Natus Est` - 1. Kyrie - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Palestrina : Missa `Hodie Christus Natus Est` - 2. Gloria - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Anonymous : Collect - Dominus Vobiscum - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Frescobaldi : Canzona Detta La Bianchina - Gradual - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Hannelore Devaere, Jeremy West, Paul McCreesh 외 / 8. Palestrina : Missa `Hodie Christus Natus Est` - 3. Credo - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 9. Victoria : Quem Vidistis, Pastores - Offertorium - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 10. Anonymous : Per Omnia Saecula Saeculorum - Sursum Corda - Praefation - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Palestrina : Missa `Hodie Christus Natus Est` - 4. Sanctus - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Frescobaldi : Messa Della Madonna - Toccata Per La Levatione - Timothy Roberts / 13. Frescobaldi : Liber Secundus Diversarum Modulationum ... - O Iesu Mi Dulcissime - Angus Smith, Paul McCreesh, Paula Chateauneuf / 14. Anonymous : Per Omnia Saecula Saeculorum - Pater Noster - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 15. Palestrina : Missa `Hodie Christus Natus Est` - 6. Agnus Dei - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 16. Victoria : Gardanum - O Magnum Mysterium - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 17. Anonymous : Post Communion - Dominus Vobiscum - Praesta Quaesumus Omnipotens Deus - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 18. Pasquini : Toccata - Deo Gratias - Timothy Roberts / 19. Palestrina : Mottetorum Liber Tertius - Motet : Hodie Christus Natus Est - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Hannelore Devaere, James Johnstone, Jeremy West 외 / 20. Anerio : Nell`apparir Del Sempiterno Sole - Angus Smith, Paul McCreesh, Sarah Pendlebury, Susan Hemington Jones / 21. Mazzocchi : Maphaei S.R.E. Card. Barberine Nunc Urbani Papae Viii - Nasceris, Alme Puer - Hannelore Devaere, Paul McCreesh, Paula Chateauneuf, Sarah Pendlebury 외 / 22. Carissimi : Desiderata Nobis - Angus Smith, Christopher Purves, Hannelore Devaere, Paul McCreesh 외 / 23. Carissimi : Exulta, Gaude, Filia Sion - Hannelore Devaere, Paul McCreesh, Paula Chateauneuf, Sarah Pendlebury
[Disc 1]
1. Gabrieli : Toccata A 4 (C237) - Timothy Roberts / 2. Gabrieli : In Ecclesiis A 14 (C78) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 3. Gabrieli : Sonata No.19 A 15 (C212) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 4. Gabrieli : Suscipe, Clementissime Deus A 12 (C70) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 5. Gabrieli : Canzona No.14 A 10 (C207) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 6. Gabrieli : Buccinate In Neomenia Tuba A 19 (C84) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 7. Gabrieli : Intonazione Del Nono Tono (C247) - Timothy Roberts / 8. Gabrieli : Domine Deus Meus A 6 (C127) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 9. Barbarino : Audi, Dulcis Amica Mea - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 10. Gabrieli : Sonata Con Tre Violini (Xxi From Canzoni Et Sonate, 1615) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 11. Barbarino : Ardens Est Cor Meum - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 12. Gabrieli : Timor Et Tremor (C142) Motette - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh, Timothy Roberts / 13. Gabrieli : Intonazione Del Duodecimo Tono (C250) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 14. Gabrieli : Jubilate Deo - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 15. Gabrieli : Sonata No.18 A 14 (C211) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 16. Gabrieli : Misericordia Tua, Domine A 12 (C69) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 17. Gabrieli : Sonata No.20 A 22 (C213) - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh / 18. Gabrieli : Magnificat A 33 (C151) - Arr. Hugh Keyte - Gabrieli Consort & Players, Paul McCreesh

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