Dirk Bogarde

Dirk Bogarde    


10. Lehar : The Merry Widow Act.I - Narration. `At This Point, Kromow Has Found The Fan` (Live at Royal Festival Hall, 1993) - Dirk Bogarde / 15. Lehar : The Merry Widow Act.II - Narration. `Whenever I Hear That Sound, I`m Carried Back To That Summer Evening` (Live at Royal Festival Hall, 1993) - Dirk Bogarde / 17. Lehar : The Merry Widow Act.II - Narration. `You Remember The Fan?` (Live at Royal Festival Hall, 1993) - Dirk Bogarde / 19. Lehar : The Merry Widow Act.II - Narration. `Those Were The Days When Women In Paris Were Only Good For Two Things...` (Live at Royal Festival Hall, 1993) - Dirk Bogarde / 2. Lehar : The Merry Widow Act.I - Narration. `You Are Looking At A Man With No Axe To Grind` (Live at Royal Festival Hall, 1993) - Dirk Bogarde / 21. Lehar : The Merry Widow Act.II - Narration. `Briefly Valencienne And Camille Entered

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/P465173


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