Gavle Symphony Orchestra

Gavle Symphony Orchestra    


[Disc 1]
1. Le Retour De Londres - Grand Rondeau Brillant, Op.127 - Johann Nepomuk Hummel / 2. Variations And Finale In B Flat Major, Op.115 - Johann Nepomuk Hummel / 3. Oberons Zauberhorn, Op.116 - Johann Nepomuk Hummel / 4. Variations In F Major, Op.97 - Johann Nepomuk Hummel
[Disc 1]
1. Swedish National Aris With Variations, Op.52 - Ferdinand Ries / 2. Introduction And Polonaise, Opo.174 - Ferdinand Ries / 3. Piano Concerto In C Sharp Minor, Op.55 (3-5) - Ferdinand Ries
[Disc 1]
1. Concerto For Violin And Orchestra, Op.18 - Bo Linde / 2. Concerto For Cello And Orchestra, Op.29 - Bo Linde
[Disc 1]
1. Reminiscence Of The Norwegian Mountains: Symphonic Poem For Large Orchestra - Franz Berwald / 2. Konzertstuck For Bassoon And Orchestra - Franz Berwald / 3. Wettlauf 9foot-race): Etude For String Orchestra - Franz Berwald / 4. Ernste Und Heitere Grillen (Serious And Joyful Francies): Fantasiestuck For Orchestra - Franz Berwald / 5. Overture To Drottningen Av Golconda (The Queen Of Golconda) - Franz Berwald / 6. Elfenspiel (Play Of The Elves) - Franz Berwald

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