Andrew Skeoch & Sarah Koschak

Andrew Skeoch & Sarah Koschak    


[Disc 1]
1. A Land of Birdsong (With Rufous Whistler, Scarlet Honeyeater and White-throated / 2. Into The Australian Bush: Grey Shrike-thrush / 3. Into The Australian Bush: Scarlet Robin / 4. Into The Australian Bush: Australian Magpies / 5. Into The Australian Bush: Western Gerygone / 6. Into The Australian Bush: Laughing Kookaburras / 7. Into The Australian Bush: Eastern Rosellas / 8. The Living Outback: Redthroat / 9. The Living Outback: Pied Honeyeaters and Rufus Songlark / 10. The Living Outback: Chestnut-rumped Thornbills / 11. The Living Outback: Pied Butcherbird / 12. The Living Outback: Variegated Fairy-wrens / 13. The Living Outback: Singing Honeyeaters / 14. The Living Outback: Zebra Finches / 15. In The Tropical North: Grey Whistler and Spangled Drongo / 16. In The Tropical North: Yellow Oriole / 17. In The Tropical North: Scarlet Honeyeaters / 18. In The Tropical North: Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike / 19. Ancient Rainforests of Gondwana: Silvereye / 20. Ancient Rainforests of Gondwana: Bell Miners / 21. Ancient Rainforests of Gondwana: Golden Whistler / 22. Ancient Rainforests of Gondwana: Superb Lyrebird / 23. Coastal Mangroves, The Secret Forests: Large-billed Gerygone / 24. Coastal Mangroves, The Secret Forests: Mangrove Robin / 25. Dry Watercourses and Gorges: Willie Wagtail and Weebills / 26. Dry Watercourses and Gorges: Australian Ravens / 27. A Mysterious Land: Tawny-crowned Honeyeaters At Dawn
[Disc 1]
1. Pre-dawn: Wings Across The Wetlands  featuring Barking Owls and Magpie Geese / 2. Whistling Ducks Take Flight / 3. To The Feeding Grounds / 4. Dawn Across The Billabong: Blue-winged Kookaburras / 5. White-throated Honeyeater, Masked Lapwing & Forest Kingfisher / 6. Willie Wagtail, Green Pygmy Geese, Whistling Kite & Magpie Lark / 7. Rainbow Bee-eaters, Sea-eagle & Rufous-banded Honeyeaters / 8. Red-tailed Black Cockatoos, Jacana & Darter / 9. Rajah Shellducks & Lemon-breasted Flycatcher / 10. Yellow Oriole / 11. Wandering Whistling Ducks & Restless Flycatcher / 12. Paperbark Forests: Honeyeaters, Shining Flycatcher and Fairy-wrens / 13. Bar-shouldered Doves, Lorikeets & Grey Whistler / 14. Red-winged Parrots & Grey-crowned Babblers
[Disc 1]
1. Dawn At Nagarahole: Pre-dawn / 2. Dawn At Nagarahole: First Light / 3. Dawn At Nagarahole: Dawn / 4. Dawn At Nagarahole: Early Morning / 5. Bamboo Grove, Mid-morning / 6. Elephants Feeding, Mid-afternoon / 7. Late Afternoon  featuring Greater Coucals and Indian Giant Squirrel / 8. Evening  featuring Brown Hawk Owl
[Disc 1]
1. Dawn Across The Sandhills / 2. Mulga Woodland Birdsong / 3. Mala Morning  featuring cicadas and Rainbow Bee-eaters / 4. Breeze Sighing Through Desert Oaks / 5. Fairy Martins At Their Nest Cave / 6. Desert Afternoon / 7. Valley of The Winds  featuring Kestrel and Grey Shrike-thrush / 8. Mutijulu Frogs / 9. Desert Twilight
[Disc 1]
1. Ascending Through Hill Villages  featuring Himalayan Bulbulls / 2. Himalayan Dawn In Broadleaved Forest (With Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler & Co / 3. White-throated Laughing Thrushes / 4. Approaching Oak Forest  featuring Rufous Sibias / 5. The High Forests (With Yuhinas, Pygmy Wren-babbler and Black-faced Laughing Thru / 6. Himalayan Stream  featuring a flock of Grey-crested Tits / 7. The Karka Meadow  featuring Winter Wren and White-winged Grosbeaks / 8. Alive with Wings  featuring Yuhinas, Tits and Flycatcher / 9. Among Oak and Rhododendron  featuring Chestnut-rumped Minla / 10. The Homeward Trail  featuring Blue-fronted Redstart & Large-billed Crow
[Disc 1]
1. The Forest Awakes  featuring Yellow Robins, Kookaburras and Blue Wrens / 2. Sunlit Canopy (With Whipbirds, King Parrots, Golden Whistlers and Black Cockatoo / 3. Garden of Ferns  featuring Satin Bowerbird and Gang-gang Cockatoos / 4. Lyrebird Gully  featuring Superb Lyrebird / 5. Rain In The Forest  featuring Olive Whistler and Pink Robin / 6. Enshrouded with Mist  featuring Fan-tailed Cuckoos / 7. Last Light  featuring Pied Currawong, Grey Butcherbird and Lyrebird / 8. The Gliders Emerge  featuring Boobook Owls, Yellow-bellied Gliders and Possums / 9. Spirit of The Sooty Owl
[Disc 1]
1. The Source  featuring Pied Currawong, Thornbills, Puched Frogs and Golden Whistler / 2. Song of The Waterfall  featuring Rufous Fantail / 3. Water Over Pebbles  featuring Green Catbird and Brown Gerygone / 4. Distant Waters  featuring Rose Robin and Yellow-throated Scrub-wren / 5. By a Mountain Cascade  featuring an Albert’s Lyrebird / 6. Chorus of Masked Mountain Frogs / 7. Flowing Ever Onward  featuring Logrunner, Bassian Thrush and Noisy Scrub-bird / 8. Leaving The Forest  featuring Eastern Spinebill and Olive Whistler
[Disc 1]
1. Ormiston Gorge, Full Moon, 3 Am  featuring Pied Butcherbird / 2. Dawn Across The Mulga  featuring Chiming Wedgebills and Crested Bellbirds / 3. Wild Budgerigars / 4. Spinifex Country  featuring Dusky Grasswren and Spinifex Pigeon / 5. Red Gorges and River Gums  featuring White-plumed Honeyeaters and Zebra Finches / 6. Mulga Afternoon  featuring Pink Cockatoo and Ground Cuckoo-shrike / 7. Red-tailed Black Cockatoos / 8. Desert Dusk  featuring Spotted Nightjar / 9. Nightfall At The Waterhole  featuring Desert Tree Frogs / 10. Dingoes / 11. Ormiston Gorge, The Following Night
[Disc 1]
1. Lowland Forest: Rawa Aopa Pre-dawn  featuring Long-eared Nightjar and Toke Gecko / 2. Dawn Chorus  featuring Black Sunbirds, Black-naped Oriole & Green Imperial Pigeons / 3. Knobbed Hornbills On The Wing / 4. Bay Coucals In The Rain / 5. Evening with Sulawesi Scops Owl / 6. Hill Forest: Lore Lindu Pre-dawn (With Sulawesi Masked Owl & Hair-crested Drongo / 7. Dawn  featuring White-bellied Imperial Pigeons and Squirrels / 8. Piping Crows / 9. Mamassa Highland Forest: Pygmy Cuckoo-shrike / 10. Geomalias & Sulawesi Hawk Eagle / 11. Feeding Flock (With Rusty-bellied Fantail, Scarlet Honeyeater, Silvereyes and Fl / 12. Malias / 13. Sulawesi Serpent Eagles / 14. Knobbed Hornbills Calling / 15. Montane Cloudforest, Rano Rano: Sulawesi Cicadabird / 16. Cloudforest Dawn  featuring Yellow-vented Whistlers / 17. Montane Birdsong / 18. Citrine Flycatcher / 19. Dusk, Cicada Chorus / 20. Tree Frogs & Ochre-bellied Boobook Owl
[Disc 1]
1. Singing Sands / 2. Ocean Beach / 3. The Sooty Oystercatcher / 4. Seagulls by The Shore / 5. Rock Platform / 6. Banksia Dunes  featuring Little Wattlebirds and New-Holland Honeyeaters / 7. Distant Bellbirds / 8. Among The Rockpools / 9. Heathland Dawn  featuring Tawny Grassbirds, Coucals and Variegated Fairy-wrens / 10. Sea Eagles / 11. The Blowhole / 12. Fairy Penguins / 13. Gentle Lapping / 14. Distant Beach
[Disc 1]
1. Entering Upland Rainforest  featuring Catbird, Fuit-doves, Fantails and Whipbirds / 2. Wompoo Fruit-doves / 3. Victoria's Riflebird / 4. Stagemakers / 5. Chowchillas  featuring Drongo and Bower's Thrush / 6. The Display of The Golden Bowerbird / 7. By a Mountain Cascade / 8. A Nightwalk In The Rainforest / 9. Pre-dawn In Lowland Rainforest / 10. The New Day  featuring Grey Whistler and Boatbill / 11. Encounter with a Cassowary / 12. Paradise Kingfishers / 13. Rainforest Duet  featuring a pair of Black Butcherbirds
[Disc 1]
1. Laughing Kookaburras / 2. Magpies / 3. Bush Curlews / 4. Fuscous Honeyeaters and Superb Fairy-wrens / 5. Swift Parrots and Willie Wagtail / 6. Noisy Friarbird / 7. Grey-crowned Babblers and Grey Shrike-thrush / 8. Pied Butcherbirds / 9. Turquoise Parrot / 10. Restless Flycatchers / 11. Pied Currawongs and White-winged Choughs / 12. Striped Honeyeaters / 13. Rainbow Bee-eaters / 14. White-throated Gerygone / 15. White-browed Babblers and Painted Button-quail / 16. Mixed Flock of Thornbills and Weebills / 17. Jacky Winter / 18. Sacred Kingfisher / 19. Olive-backed Oriole / 20. Rufous Whistler

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