Opera IX

Opera IX    오페라 나인
1980s -


[Disc 1]
1. Many Moons Ago / 2. The Serpent's Nemeton / 3. The Prophecy / 4. In Hoc Signo Sanguinis / 5. Immortal Chant / 6. Scell Lem Duibh (Song Of Death) / 7. In The Sixth Tower / 8. Battle Cry / 9. Anphisbena / 10. One Rode To Asa Bay
[Disc 1]
1. Mnlfufnrum - Opera Ix / 2. P?in?cess Of The Hn????? - Opera Ix / 3. In The On?h I Found The Reflection Of The Didden Mi??o?s - Opera Ix / 4. Dn?n??h?? H??ana - Opera Ix / 5. Ho?gorren Gods - Opera Ix / 6. In The Ravens???s - Opera Ix
[Disc 1]
1. The Oak / 2. Fronds Of The Ancient Walnut / 3. The Naked & The Dance / 4. Cimmeries / 5. My Devotion / 6. Under The Sign Of The Red Dragon
[Disc 1]
1. The First Seal - Opera Ix / 2. Beyond The Black Diamond Gates - Opera Ix / 3. Carnal Delight In The Vortex Of Evil - Opera Ix / 4. Congressus Cum Daemone - Opera Ix / 5. The Magic Temple - Opera Ix / 6. The Sixth Seal - Opera Ix / 7. Bela Lugosi`s Dead - Opera Ix

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/P169727


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