Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra

Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra    
1990s -


[Disc 1]
1. Sfx: The Legend Lives /End Theme From Sleepy Hollow / 2. This Is Halloween From Tim Burton`S The Nightmare Before Christmas / 3. Themes From Beetlejuice / 4. Sfx: Haunted Fun House / 5. Theme From The Addams Family / 6. Tubular Bells From The Exorcist / 7. Theme From Ghostbusters / 8. Theme From The Munsters / 9. Sfx: They`Ve Landed / Martian Hop / 10. Theme From Tales From The Crypt / 11. Monster Mash / 12. Opening From The Shining / 13. Thriller (With Sfx) / 14. The Carousel From The Haunting / 15. Theme From Dark Shadows / 16. Beware Of The Blob From The Blob / 17. Theme From Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes / Sfx: Tomatoes On The Rampage
[Disc 1]
1. The Mummy: The Sand Volcano / 2. The Mask Of Zorro: Don't Mess With "z" / 3. The Mask Of Zorro: Main Title / 4. Air Force One: Main Title / The Parachutes / 5. The Rock: Chopper Flyby / 6. The Rock: End Title / 7. Contact: End Credits / 8. Mighty Joe Young: Dedication And Windsong / 9. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace: Day At The Races / 10. Star Wars: The Phantom Menace: Main Title From Star Wars / The Flag Parade / 11. L.a. Confidential: Badge Of Honor /l.a. Confidential / 12. The Prince Of Egypt: When You Believe / 13. The X-files: What's That Hum? / 14. The X-files: Threnody In X / 15. A Bugs Life: The Time Of Your Life / 16. Elizabeth: Main Title / 17. Godzilla: A Stroll In New York City / 18. Godzilla: Main Title / 19. Shakespeare In Love: Main Title / 20. Titanic: Iceberg! / 21. Titanic: Back To Titanic / 22. Armageddon: Main Title
[Disc 1]
1. Mission Impossible, Film Score: Theme / 2. Batman Forever, Film Score Suite: Main Title / 3. Batman Forever, Film Score Suite: Suite, Fanfare / 4. Batman Forever, Film Score Suite: Suite, Fledremausmarschmusik / 5. Batman Forever, Film Score Suite: Suite, Gotham City Boogie / 6. Batman Forever, Film Score Suite: Suite, Batterdammerung / 7. Apollo 13, Film Score: Apollo 13 Mission / 8. Apollo 13, Film Score: Re-Entry And Splashdown / 9. Speed, Film Score: Express Bus To L.A. / 10. Speed, Film Score: Main Title / 11. Crimson Tide, Film Score: Roll Tide / 12. Independence Day, Film Score: F-16 Fighter Squadron - Into The Battle / 13. Independence Day, Film Score: Suite / 14. Braveheart, Film Score: End Credits / 15. Cutthroat Island: End Credits / 16. Twister, Film Score: Torando Terror / 17. Twister, Film Score: The House Visit / 18. Last Of The Mohicans, Film Score: Main Title / 19. Dragonheart, Film Score: Finale / 20. Executive Decision, Film Score: The Remora / 21. Stargate, Film Score: Going Home / 22. Jumanji, Film Score: Library Stampede / 23. Jumanji, Film Score: Suite / 24. Gettysburg, Film Score: Main Theme

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