The Flying Burrito Brothers

The Flying Burrito Brothers    더 플라잉 부리토 브라더스 / Flying Burrito Brothers
1960s -
1969년 / 미국,Los Angeles, CA
1969년 / 앨범 The Gilded Palace of Sin


[Disc 1]
1. Break My Mind / 2. Sing Me Back Home / 3. Close Up The Honky-Tonks / 4. Image Of Me / 5. White Line Fever / 6. Six Days On The Road / 7. Dim Lights / 8. Tonight The Bottle Let Me Down / 9. Sin City / 10. Dark End Of The Street / 11. Pick Me Up On Your Way Down / 12. God's Own Singer / 13. Green Green Grass Of Home / 14. Crazy Arms / 15. Together Again / 16. Wake Up Little Susie / 17. Here Tonight / 18. Your Angel Steps Out Of Heaven
[Disc 1]
1. Christine's Tune / 2. Sin City / 3. Do Right Woman / 4. Dark End Of The Street / 5. My Uncle / 6. Wheels / 7. Juanita / 8. Hot Burrito #1 / 9. Hot Burrito #2 / 10. Do You Know How It Feels / 11. Hippie Boy / 12. The Train Song / 13. Lazy Days / 14. Image Of Me / 15. High Fashion Queen / 16. If You Gotta Go / 17. Man In The Fog / 18. Farther Along / 19. Older Guys / 20. Cody, Cody / 21. God's Own Singer / 22. Down In The Churchyard / 23. Wild Horses / 24. Six Days On The Road / 25. Close Up The Honky-Tonks

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