Josh Rouse

Josh Rouse    조쉬 라우즈
1990s -
1972년 / 미국,NE
1998년 / 앨범 'Dressed up Like Nebraska'



[Disc 1]
1. Sweetie / 2. Italian Dry Ice / 3. Hollywood Bass Player / 4. God, Please Let Me Go Back / 5. Nice To Fit In / 6. Pilgrim / 7. Domesticated Lovers / 8. London Bridges / 9. Snowy
[Disc 1]
1. Car Crash / 2. Jon Jon / 3. The Ocean Always Wins / 4. These Long Summer Days / 5. Answers
[Disc 1]
1. Quiet Town (Live) / 2. Givin' It Up (Live) / 3. Wonderful (Live) / 4. Oh, I Need All The Love (Live) / 5. The Man Who... [Recorded Live At The Hotel Cafe]
[Disc 1]
1. Twilight / 2. Nothing Gives Me Pleasure / 3. Miracle / 4. Christmas With Jesus / 5. Under Cold Blue Stars / 6. Ugly Stories / 7. Feeling No Pain / 8. Ears To The Ground / 9. Summer Kitchen Ballad / 10. Women And Men / 11. The Whole Night Through
[Disc 1]
1. Michigan / 2. Princess On The Porch / 3. Knights Of Loneliness / 4. I Just Want To Live / 5. A Well Respected Man / 6. Kentucky Flood / 7. Pittsburgh / 8. Me Gusta Dormir / 9. Scenes From A Bar In Toronto / 10. Smile / 11. Comeback (Light Therapy) / 12. Under Your Charms / 13. Love Vibration / 14. Sunshine (Come On Lady) / 15. Slaveship / 16. 1972 / 17. Rise / 18. Feeling No Pain / 19. Miracle / 20. Late Night Conversation / 21. Under Cold Blue Stars / 22. Flight Attendant / 23. Directions
[Disc 1]
1. 1972 / 2. Love Vibration / 3. Sunshine (Come On Lady) / 4. James / 5. Slaveship / 6. Comeback (Light Therapy) / 7. Under Your Charms / 8. Flight Attendant / 9. Sparrows Over Birmingham / 10. Rise
[Disc 1]
1. Quiet Town / 2. Summertime / 3. It Looks Like Love / 4. La Coasta Blanca / 5. Jersey Clowns / 6. His Majesty Rides / 7. Giving It Up / 8. Wonderful / 9. The Man Who Doesn't Know How To Smile / 10. El Otro Lado
[Disc 1]
1. It's The Nighttime / 2. Winter In The Hamptons / 3. Streetlights / 4. Carolina / 5. Middle School Frown / 6. My Love Has Gone / 7. Saturday / 8. Sad Eyes / 9. Why Won't You Tell Me What / 10. Life / 11. Directions [Korea Only] / 12. Love Vibration [Korea Only]
[Disc 1]
1. Suburban Sweetheart / 2. Dressed Up Like Nebraska / 3. Invisible / 4. Late Night Conversation / 5. Flair / 6. The White Trash Period Of My Life / 7. A Simple Thing / 8. A Woman Lost In Serious Problems / 9. Lavina / 10. Reminiscent
[Disc 1]
1. Laughter / 2. Marvin Gaye / 3. Directions / 4. Parts And Accessories / 5. 100M Backstroke / 6. Hey Porcupine / 7. In Between / 8. And Around / 9. Afraid To Fail / 10. Little Know It All

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