김민기 - With Symphony Orchestra Of Russia (2003) by 김민기 (보컬) on maniadb.com

With Symphony Orchestra Of Russia
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RELEASE DATE: 2003-06-02 / 대한민국
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio

포크 락
포크 팝
ALSO KNOWN AS: 위드 심포니 오케스트라 오브 러시아
INDEX: 1534



CD :: 2003-06-02 :: wea (66606-2, 5050466660626)
[Disc 1]
1. 프롤로그 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia / 2. 상록수 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia / 3. 아침이슬 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia / 4. 가을편지 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia / 5. 아름다운 사람 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia / 6. 작은 연못 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia / 7. 꽃 피우는 아이 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia / 8. 날개만 있다면 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia / 9. 친구 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia / 10. 봉우리 - The Symphony Orchestra Of Russia


The Credits

All Music Directed & Arranged by 김동성 Kim, Dong-Sung
Music and Lyrics by 김민기 Kim, Min-Gi
(except 'Prologue'-Music by Kim, Dong-Sung, 'Autumn Letter'- Lyrics by Ko Un)

Produced by 조한식 Cho, Han-Sik
Executive producer: 김경환 Kim, Kyung-Hwan
Co-produced by 한재준 Han, Jea-June
Orchestra conducted by 카쥴린 세르게이 Kaziulin Sergey
Orchestras coordinated by 알렉산더 마쉬코비치 Alexander Mashkovich
Music production supervisor: 최홍선 Choi, Hong-Sun
Production coordinator (Korea): 유남경 Yoo, Nam-Kyung
Production coordinator (Moscow): 김원석 Kim, Won-Suk
Recording directed by 류보브 알렉산드로브나 Lyubov Aleksandrovna
Album mastered by 정도원 Jeong, Doe-Won at Wave Station
Album design: 2014VACATION

Lyrics Translated by Carter J.Eckert
(Professor of Korean History, Harvard University)


Very special thanks to :
아름다운 사람, 김민기님께 한없는 존경의 마음을 보냅니다.

Special thanks to :
앨범발매를 적극 지원해 주신 윤석화, Veronika Dudarova, 최홍선, 김석환님 그리고 Kaziulin Sergey, 유용진, 유남경, 이창학님께 감사드립니다.

Thanks to :
Lyubov Aleksandrovna, Alexander Mashkovich, 정영주, 김성일, 김원석, 김성권, 문병호, 민병분, 김은주, 서정철, 김병석, 안석준, 신항우, 구경민님 그리고 Isaac, Dmitry와 Pasha, 伊神洋子, 윤성민, 김영리 그외 도움을 주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다.

김동성과 The Symphony Orchestra of Russia

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/A108646


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