Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell - Hank Jones Quartet. Complete Recordings Vol.2 (With Kenny Burrell and Barry Galbraith) (2005) by Hank Jones (피아노), Kenny Burrell (기타), Barry Galbraith (기타) on maniadb.com

Hank Jones (피아노), Kenny Burrell (기타), Barry Galbraith (기타)
Hank Jones Quartet. Complete Recordings Vol.2 (With Kenny Burrell and Barry Galbraith)
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RELEASE DATE: 2005-01-01
ALBUM TYPE: 정규, studio

DIGITAL ALBUM / 2005-01-01 / Gambit Records, Orchard


DIGITAL ALBUM :: 2005-01-01 :: Gambit Records, Orchard
[Disc 1]
1. If I Love Again - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 2. My One and Only Love - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 3. Don't Ever Leave Me - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 4. It's Easy to Remember - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 5. You Are My Love - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 6. Blue Lights - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 7. The Blue Room - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 8. A Sunday Kind of Love - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 9. Star Eyes - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 10. Let Me Know - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 11. Try a Little Tenderness - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 12. Easy to Love - Barry Galbraith, Hank Jones / 13. Summertime - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell / 14. There's a Boat Dat's Leavin' Soon for New York - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell / 15. My Man's Gone Now - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell / 16. A Woman Is a Sometime Thing - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell / 17. Bess, You Is My Woman - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell / 18. It Ain't Necessarily So - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell / 19. I Got Plenty o' Nuttin' - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell / 20. Oh, I Can't Sit Down - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell / 21. Bess, Oh Where's My Bess - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell / 22. I Ain't Got No Shame - Hank Jones, Kenny Burrell

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/A1007464


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