Roy Eldridge [트럼펫]

Roy Eldridge [트럼펫]    로이 엘드리지
1990s -
1911년 01월 30일 / 미국,Pittsburgh, PA
1989년 02월 26일


2. How High The Moon (Live In Frankfurt) - Flip Phillips, Hank Jones, Lester Young, Max Roach 외 / 3. Undecided (Live In Frankfurt) - Flip Phillips, Hank Jones, Lester Young, Max Roach 외 / 4. Deep Purple / Rockin` Chair / This Is Always / I Cover The Waterfront (Ballad Medley - Live In Frankfurt) - Flip Phillips, Hank Jones, Lester Young, Max Roach 외 / 5. Dre`s Blues (Live In Frankfurt) - Flip Phillips, Hank Jones, Lester Young, Max Roach
12. Ain't No Flies On Me - Anita Love, Roy Eldridge
11. Let Me Off Uptown - Roy Eldridge
14. Heckler?s Hop - Roy Eldridge
11. Ja Da - Roy Eldridge
18. Stardust - Roy Eldridge
26. On The Sunny Side Of The Street - Roy Eldridge
19. Une Petite Laitue - Roy Eldridge
14. Body And Soul - Roy Eldridge
14. Let Me Off Uptown featuring The Gene Krupa,The Gene Krupa - Roy Eldridge / 7. Heckler's Hop - Roy Eldridge
1. Roy's Got Rhythm - Roy Eldridge
1. For You (live at the Montreux Jazz Festival) - Benny Carter, Bobby Durham, Clark Terry, Joe Pass 외 / 2. Autumn Leaves (live at Montreux Jazz Festival) - Benny Carter, Bobby Durham, Clark Terry, Joe Pass 외 / 3. If I Had You (live at the Montreux Jazz Festival) - Benny Carter, Bobby Durham, Clark Terry, Joe Pass 외 / 4. I Never Knew (That Roses Grew) (live at the Montreux Jazz Festival) - Benny Carter, Bobby Durham, Clark Terry, Joe Pass

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