Dave Brubeck Quartet

Dave Brubeck Quartet    데이브 브루벡 쿼텟
1950s -
0000년 / 미국
1954년 / Jazz Goes To College
The Dave Brubeck Quartet


[Disc 1]
1. Pennies From Heaven / 2. For All We Know / 3. Blue Round A La Turk / 4. Take Five / 5. Take The "A" Train / 6. The Real Ambassador / 7. Wonderful Copenhagen / 8. Like Someone In Love / 9. Tangerine
[Disc 1]
1. St.Louis Blues / 2. Bossa Nova U.S.A. / 3. For All We Know / 4. Pennies From Heaven / 5. Southern Scene / 6. Three To Get Ready
[Disc 2]
1. Eleven Four / 2. It`S A Raggy Waltz / 3. King For A Day / 4. Castilian Drums / 5. Blue Rondo A La Turk / 6. Take Five
[Disc 1]
1. Balcony Rock / 2. Out Of Nowhere / 3. Le Souk / 4. Take The "A" Train / 5. The Song Is You / 6. Don`T Worry `Bout Me / 7. I Want To Be Happy
[Disc 1]
1. These Foolish Things - The Dave Brubeck Quartet / 2. Perdido - The Dave Brubeck Quartet / 3. Stardust - The Dave Brubeck Quartet / 4. The Way You Look Tonight - The Dave Brubeck Quartet / 5. How High The Moon - The Dave Brubeck Quartet

Trackback :: http://www.maniadb.com/trackback/P119859


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